Adding A New Page

To add a new page, select “Pages” from the site dashboard menu. Alternatively, if you’re already on your website template, select “+New” in the upper left. This will give you the option to not only add a new page, but media (e.g., photos,documents, etc.) and blog posts as well.

Once the new page has been successfully published, you need to add it to your navigation menu. Go to your dashboard and select “Menus.” Check the box next to the page you wish to add and select “ADD TO MENU.” This will bring it over to the right where you can click and drag to re-order your pages.

Adding a Page Redirect

To link (redirect) one of your pages to an external URL, go to your dashboard and select “Menus.” Select the “Custom Links” menu items on the left, and type in the URL you wish to redirect your page to. Type in the name of the page in the ‘Link Text’ field.

For example, let’s say you want to create a “Shop” page that redirects to your Etsy store page:

Click “ADD TO MENU”. It will then populate under the “Menu structure” module and will automatically redirect website visitors when they select the page from the navigation menu.

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